Sunday, August 19, 2007

Blame It On Her...


For those of you wondering, "why Egypt", she is your answer. While, in all seriousness, I do not believe I am Hatshepsut reincarnate, I do hold her responsible for my fascination with Egypt (my mother is further blamed for encouraging me). I have the most vivid memory of reading a big, fat chapter book on Hatshepsut (back in the day when "chapter books" were intimidating) and writing a stunning book report on it - beginning my fascination. If you don't know anything about Hatshepsut, let me clue you in: King(Queen) Hatshepsut was one of the most powerful and accomplished female rulers of ancient Egypt. Like any great ancient Egyptian ruler, she is surrounded by incestual scandal, and, having swiped the pharaocy from her young son, questioned legitimacy - how intriguing. Nonetheless, she went down in history as being awesome. To add to the awesomeness, her body was identified in June of this year. So, perhaps this is destiny.

In any case, I am going to Egypt. I leave Tuesday afternoon, and will be back mid to late January. What will I be doing there? Well, lots of stuff. (And that's why there's a blog.) Primarily studying. I will be at the American University in Cairo (AUC) for one semester, studying Middle Eastern Culture and Arabic, in order to fulfill requirements for my major. (My major is another big factor in why i'm going to Egypt.) Other than that, I will be travelling and generally experiencing life in Cairo.

So, how am I feeling about all this? Currently pendulating between so-excited-I-can't-wipe-this-smile-off-my-face and so-nervous-my-heart-is-going-to-stop-or-I'm-going-to-throw-up.

The next post will come to you from Egypt.


p.s. mad props if you can pronounce Hatshepsut on the first go at it.

1 comment:

Pat said...

Hi, Alyson -

My fascination w/ Hapshepsut comes via my study of art history, not a chapter book, but I am w/ you as far as my fascination w/ the Pharoah Queen... an amazing woman! I am SO envious that you will be able to see the monuments to Egypt's ancient culture in person, and not on the pages of an art history tome! Take lots of pictures (I'll look at them all), blog away (I'll read every word),and enjoy absolutely every minute of your stay in Cairo.

Love, Pat